Welcome to My Truth!

Thoughts of mine, some feelings and a little hope.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


"Never teach a pig to sing, it's hard work and it annoys the PIG!!!"

well that's not a famous quote but i read it once and it's been in my head since, i wanna say that dreaming is OK but every once in a while u have to come down to earth and see the real life u're living. it's not against ambition but u have to set goals for urself that at least can be achieved without super powers, super heroes or even miracles. don't sit all ur life waiting for a miracle! just get up and do what u have to do to get there, Teaching a sparrow to sing may be, but not A PIG, u have to dream and you have to be ambitious but don't challenge nature!!! A PIG can't sing and that's it, may be it can do something else useful but it won't be singing!! that was a metaphore, now try to apply it on ur real life and u'll know what i mean.

Btw that's my very first blog and really if u read it then post ur opinion about it, that would be gr8


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