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Thoughts of mine, some feelings and a little hope.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Thermometer OR a Thermostat ??

One of my friends told me yesterday while we were talking:
" Be a Thermostat and not a thermometer "
i really liked the phrase and i thought i could write about it.
so.... If u're a thermometer then u measure the temperature around u, and that would mean that the temperature is (affecting) u, right? but look at a thermostat what does it do? it measures the temperature and then it (affects) the temperature to go back to the wanted level for example in a fridge.

If u're Thermometer then all around u would be affecting u and u would have no effect on whatever around u, people or circumstances or anything, u'll be like a feather that's left itself to the wind and the wind can take it wherever.

If u're a Thermostat then u'll be first discovering the atmosphere around you and then u start acting to make the atmosphere suitable for u, u should be an (action) not just a (reaction) cuz if u're not, u'll not be living it would rather make more sense if u call it people living through u.

what u should do is be ur master, and by this i don't mean u should be stubborn and never listen to other's advice! what i mean is u should never let the world around u mess up ur dreams or ur goals, as in the song "never settle for the path of least resistance" this phrase really has lots of meanings, try to affect whatever comes in ur way, modify it so it would suit u or at least so it would not ruin ur life (like the food in the fridge;) That's the way it should be.


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